Moisture, eliminates odors and absorbers of Naturonia® products: value added.

THE new moisture-proof Naturonia technology®

No accumulation of liquid 100% dry WHAT I WANT TO!

absorbent products moisture
WHAT IS THE MOISTURE Naturonia® Solido-gel? and does that make me different?

Naturonia® It puts within your reach the first anti-humidity insurance Kit because it works without accumulation of fluids and also you may know when replacing it in a simple and comfortable way.

How does new and safe technology Naturonia patented moisture®?

Absorbing humidity becomes a liquid as it is formed, dripping on the bag trap that neutralizes the liquid in a gel thanks to its formulation based on natural products.

When absorbent upper compartment is over, remove the moisture as a waste kit and replace it with a new, and thus maintain the benefits of the use of the moisture.


Product finalist in the 2nd Edition of the innovative Ideas of the Xarxa de innovation social del Vallès.

APPLICATION PLACES: How to remove humidity cabinets and home


absorbent products moistureabsorbent products moistureabsorbent products moisture

products moisture

moisture Kit

THE new moisture-proof Naturonia technology® No accumulation of fluids patented

absorbent products moisture
WHAT IS THE MOISTURE Naturonia® Solido-gel? and does that make me different?

Naturonia® It puts within your reach the first anti-humidity insurance Kit because it works without accumulation of fluids and also you may know when replacing it in a simple and comfortable way.

How does new and safe technology Naturonia patented moisture®?

Absorbing humidity becomes a liquid as it is formed, dripping on the bag trap that neutralizes the liquid in a gel thanks to its formulation based on natural products.

When absorbent upper compartment is over, remove the moisture as a waste kit and replace it with a new, and thus maintain the benefits of the use of the moisture.


Product finalist in the 2nd Edition of the innovative Ideas of the Xarxa de innovation social del Vallès.

APPLICATION PLACES: How to remove humidity cabinets and home

absorbent products moistureabsorbent products moistureabsorbent products moisture

products moisture

moisture Kit

As you assemble the anti-humidity device Naturonia® bag Trap

We take the product of the container

1. open the box with the kit

Place the empty box

2.-place the empty box

Remove the Trap

3.-remove the Trap

Put the Trap with upturned ends

4.-put the Trap with upturned ends

Replace grille

5. replace grille

Take out absorbent pouch

6.-remove the absorbent pouch

Place the absorbent with ends down

7. place absorbent with ends down

The cover


As you assemble the HANGER Naturonia moisture®

Open box

1.-Open box

Remove the protective bag hanger

2. remove the hanger moisture protective bag

Unfold the hanger

3. unfold the hanger moisture.

Hang the hanger or replaced when the absorbent upper runs out is.

4. hang or replace perch antihumidity when the absorbent upper runs out is.


What is it?: Silica gel beads, which eliminate the moisture thanks to its great capacity of absorption, with saturation indicator to let you know when to change it.

The Silica Gel (Silica Gel) absorbs the moisture and prevent their harmful effects.
It is a desiccant because leave moisture near 0% and operates in conditions of even low humidity relative (40%).
The dosage is 0.5 kg for enclosed spaces of 1m 3 and 1kg for open space. Naturonia manufactures envelopes of 5 to 15 g for small confined and enclosed spaces.
Other formats please contact us directly.


treatment humidity

treatment humidity

USAGE: Ideal for protecting your valuables (Numismatic collections, electronic appliances, photographic equipment, objects of skin, leather...) moisture in confined spaces (sorting boxes, cabinets, drawers, toolboxes, safe...).

treatment humiditytreatment humiditytreatment humidity


  • Completely innocuous product.
  • It does not contain dust
  • Great moisture absorption power.
  • Prevents corrosion in small spaces.
  • It prevents damage due to moisture in skin and leather materials.
  • With operation indicator: Color orange work, dark green sold out (replace).
  • Transparent container to see the degree of activity that remains.
  • Packed in bags of barrier material for preservation until use.
  • Absorptive capacity: 23 + - 2% of its own weight to an air temperature of 23 ° C and a relative humidity of 40%.
  • It contains no DMF or cobalt chloride
  • It is a non-edible product and non-toxic


Reduce the waste of food in your refrigerator and save using Naturonia® Green Live.
Prolong the life of your food in your fridge. WHAT I WANT TO!

USAGE: Optimal for the Elimination of substances that generate the same fruits and vegetables, avoid premature maturation and keeps them fresh for a longer time.

¿What is it?: It is a product of natural materials with active principles and charcoal to create an atmosphere clean to prolong the fresh food preservation, thus ensuring a permanent environmental hygiene indoors, such as refrigerators and packaging of fruit.


  • It reduces the waste of fruit and vegetables at home and prolongs the life of your food.
  • Maintains longer the organoleptic properties of fruits, vegetables and other foods.
  • It prevents formation of mold and bacteria in the places where you keep food.
  • Delays the time of occurrence of stains in citrus.
  • With operation indicator: Color Purple works, Brown sold out (replace).
  • Transparent container to see the degree of saturation of the product.
  • Out of stock product is harmless.
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors.
  • It prolongs the life of the natural flower bouquets...

The range Naturonia® Green Live

Because fruits ripen quickly at home?


A gaseous compound that they produce fruit when breathing So what increases the ripening of the same.

Ethylene and ripening

The maturation of the fruit has been associated complex processes of transformation of its components. Fruits, at the time of collection, are separated from their natural source of nutrients, although their tissues are still breathing.

Sugars and other components suffer major alterations and forms carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.

Prominent phenomena that take place during the ripening of fruits are breathing, the sweetening, softening, changes in aroma, staining and nutritional value. And all these processes significantly influence resistance and good presence of fruits during storage, transport and marketing of the same.

During the respiration of the fruit forms a gaseous compound called ethylene. This compound accelerates maturation processes, so it is necessary to avoid their accumulation by ventilation of stored fruits, in order to increase the shelf life of fruits.

If this gaseous compound, produced by a ripe fruit, accumulates in the vicinity of immature fruits, quickly fires its maturation, which helps accelerate the deterioration of all fruits.

BENEFITS of the use of the technology Naturonia® Green Live

Reduce the waste of food in your refrigerator and your Pocket will notice it.

WITHOUT Naturonia® GREEN LIVE technology
WITH Naturonia® GREEN LIVE technology

The technology that preserved fruit and vegetable from the field to the market, now at your fingertips, in your home. Manufacturers of refrigerators are already using it.


Naturonia® eliminates odors neutral

USAGE: Optimal to absorb unpleasant odors in confined spaces, shoemakers and domestic waste bins and smell in new furniture.

When the inner envelope product changes color, replace it with another sack Naturonia® eliminates odors. WHAT I WANT TO!

What is it?: Mixture of natural materials with active principles and active carbon to absorb a very broad spectrum of compounds that cause odors. With saturation indicator to let you know when to replace it.

W smells neutral powder


Naturonia® eliminates odors SPORT


The effective solution to smells after sport.

USAGE: IMMEDIATE action SPRAY, sprayed 2 or 3 times on the sports equipment (shoes, skates, boots, Shin guards and gloves...) after use and forget about the bad smell. WHAT I WANT TO!

What is it? CONCENTRATED emulsion of essential oils. Active substances absorb, neutralize and eliminate the odour-causing substances.

FORMAT: Bottle of 50ml of concentrated emulsion, there are some 300 sprays for approximately.


Naturonia® eliminates odors SCENTED solidarity

USAGE: Optimal to absorb and eliminate unpleasant odors in spaces confined i also provides a pleasant fragrance.

What is it?: Made by hand with recycled paper, fibres and natural elements.
Infused with essential oils which eliminate the smells and perfume at the same time.

  • For bathrooms
  • For tobacco
  • For shoemakers
  • Trash



What is it? CONCENTRATED emulsion of essential oils. Active substances absorb, neutralize and eliminate the odour-causing substances.


FORMAT: Desktop and wall dry steam diffuser teams. Format according to the surface of the place.


